Systemic, non-selective (total) herbicide with contact, translocated action, which is used to control annual and perennial grass and broad leaved weeds in stubble-fields and orchards.
Active ingredient: Glyphosate
Formylation: A concentrated solution (SL)
Manufacturer: Agria SA, Bulgaria
Authorized distributor for Serbia: Agrija RSL, Serbia
Package size in transport: 0,1 l, 1 l, 5 l, 20 l
Mode of action and application:
It is used to control annual and perennial grass and broad leaved weeds in stubbles, in the amount of 3-10 l / ha (30-100 ml / 100 m²), and orchards in the amount 2-8l / ha (20-80 ml / 100 m²) with water consumption of 200-400 l / ha (2-4 l / 100 m²).
Method of application:
Foliar, tractor or knapsack sprayer.
Application of the aircraft is not allowed.
Time of application:
When weeds are at the stage of intensive increase to full flowering.
Maximum number of treatments:
2 times a year on the same surface.
Mixing with other plant protection products:
- Compatibility (possibility of interference): Can be mixed with products based on dicamba.
- Incompatibility (impossibility of mixing): not to be confused with plant protection products in the following chemical groups: urea, triazines, bipyridyl, phenoxy-carboxylic acid.
Withdrawal period:
OBP (provided the time of application)
Prior to application of preparations, be sure to read the instruction manual.